As you know, it’s end of the school year parties, concerts, field trips and events galore. Between preschool events and kindergarten, it feels like it’ll never end (although, preschool has actually ended so there’s at least that).
Kindergarten has definitely been an experience for both me and Mini. Her reading scares the living crap out of me (my dad tells me I was a scary good reader too). Her art is blooming and she LOVES it. Even sold a piece at an art show here in Minneapolis. The only aspiring artist in the show. Couldn’t be prouder.
But when I picked her up from her after school art class, she didn’t first show me her artwork. She showed me a poster.
Her photo was in the middle. And this is what was written around it:
“Thank you for being my friend.”
“She is fun to play with.”
“She figures out problems without getting mad.”
“I love the way she explains things.”
Along with a number of other descriptions and sayings. All relating to her.
You see, every day the kindergarten teacher draws a name to be the “classroom helper.” Mini always loved it when it was her turn. For the end of the year, leading up to the last day, every one is going to get the chance to be the “classroom helper” one last time. As part of this, all the students in the class say how they feel about that day’s helper and it is written down on this poster.
My heart lifted. The things her classmates had to say about her are all things I know, but sometimes I wonder if she hears it coming from “mommy.”
I feel like it’s totally in alignment with the “I am enough” I now have written on the one mirror in our house and also the wallpaper on my phone.
Words can hurt or empower. Especially at a young age. I want my daughter to grow with more confidence in herself than I had as a child.
THIS work has been framed and is now hanging in our home. To help remind her of the beautiful, amazing, light-filled person she is.