“If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”
Brené Brown
So I’ve been thinking about vulnerability a lot lately. It’s also because, per the recommendation of my IG followers, I am reading Daring Greatly.
What’s interesting is that I have started looking at this trip that we are taking as a family to Peru as a test in vulnerability. I speak Spanish, but it isn’t my country. It isn’t my culture. The food is different, the weather is different. The whole thing is just gonna be a chance to be vulnerable and just show up as we are.
Especially traveling with two small children. Maybe that’s why I’ve been feeling really off lately (on top of the changes in kids starting school) is the anticipation of this trip that I have been dreaming about for my family for such a long time. The chance to share this place that is a big part of my childhood memories. But I’m still packing (we leave tomorrow).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely excited and grateful to go. Its going to be a fabulous and hard trip all at the same time.
I say cheers to showing up as you are and learning something new when connecting with people around you, because that is what it means to be human.