On Tuesdays, I take my niece, Bean, to music class. She is such a beautiful soul in class! At two and a half, she sings the loudest, dances around the room, and even when she doesn’t know the words, is such an active participant. I love watching her and spending that special 45 minutes, just her and I. No other kiddos.
But last week, she stonewalled. I have NO idea what was going on with her. She wasn’t saying. She refused to go into class. I even tried carrying her in with me. She just started screaming and walked out.
So we sat outside of class in the coat vestibule. I let her know, that we can go in any time and have fun, but we weren’t leaving until class was over. She just sat there. I sat on the other side of the wall, only because I thought maybe she’d eventually come around the corner.
As I sat there, I decided to take a moment to meditate. I started going through a new one I’ve recently added into my daily meditations. It’s called the 6 Phase Meditation. I walked through 6 different meditations: connection, gratitude, freedom from negative charges, creative visualization, intentions for the day and blessing. I took about 5 minutes to do this.
Afterwards, I approached Bean again and invited her to join me in class. This time, she took off her boots and we walked into class and we had a blast singing and dancing.
I’m really enjoying this new meditation! If you want to learn more, you can check out this YouTube video and try it for yourself!