Recently, my baby boy turned two. Say What?!? That cannot be possible.
I sat in my living room, looking around realizing that this home witnessed the birth of my son. Surrounded by my husband, my daughter, loving doulas and midwives, I did something I would have never thought in a million years I would have done 20 years ago. Birth a child in my home.
It got me to thinking how WAY too often, mothers tend to judge each other for their personal choices. What works for one mother, may not work for another. And I’ll admit, I was definitely guilty of that before having children. Motherhood is hard enough without feeling like everyone is judging your choices.
I feel blessed that I had the option to choose where I brought my children into this world. For my daughter, it was a free standing birth clinic. For my son, it was at home. Because for me, these are the places, that at the time of my children’s birth, I felt most safe.
I am also so happy that there are hospitals where mothers can choose to bring their beautiful babies into this world because that’s where they feel safe. And also, for me, to know that if it was necessary, I had the option to go to the hospital. (Which in the case for me, was AFTER birthing both children because of hyperbiliruminemia, but that’s a story for another day.)
There were times where I felt hurt when people clearly thought I was doing something wrong by choosing an option outside of the hospital. As though I was intentionally putting myself and my children in danger, that it made me a bad mom.
These were thoughtful, well thought out decisions, not taken lightly. I did my research. I spoke to my family doctor about my options. I interviewed my midwives. I toured the facilities and learned what would and would not be provided when birthing at home.
It definitely helped that my husband was 100% on board. I felt confident in my decisions and felt supported by him during birthing.
If you are a mother, or about to become one (which, in my book already makes you a mother), try not to let what other people think rule your decisions. Just make your decisions based on what works for you and your family in the right now. You are allowed to change your mind later, if you find it’s not working.
You are enough, Mama. Love yourself.